I Believe Her
I Believe Her - Audio Project
We are delighted to share I Believe Her with you.
You will find all the information at the bottom of this page, including the link to listen.
All-Female Team
(In order of appearance in audio)
Sound Design - Katie Richardson (Shade Music)
Director / Producer - Anna Leckey
Writer - Miriam Needham
Voice Over Artist - Rosie Barry
Writer - Orla Graham
Voice Over Artist - Holly Hannaway
Writer / Voice Over Artist - Danielle D’Arcy
Writer - Gina Donnelly
Voice Over Artist - Elisha Gormley
Writer - Grace Odumosu
Voice Over Artist - Vanessa Ifediora
Writer / Voice Over Artist - Anna Leckey
Writer / Voice Over Artist - Danielle D’Arcy
Artwork - Amy Mathers (Paper Amy)
In order in image Left to Right
Row 1: Amy Mathers, Katie Richardson,Gina Donnelly
Row 2: Orla Graham, Vanessa Ifediora, Elisha Gormley
Row 3: Danielle D’Arcy, Anna Leckey, Miriam Needham
Row 4: Rosie Barry, Grace Odumosu, Holly Hannaway
How To Listen
You can listen to this audio alone or with someone, either way, follow these simple steps
Wear headphones & pop your phone on do not disturb
Plan a 30-minute walk
Walk and experience I Believe Her
Afterwards, give yourself some time to sit and take it all in
Call a friend or chat with the person you walked with after
If you find anything triggering you can get in talk to someone here
Tag us on social media, tell us your thoughts
Spread the word - let’s make a change