10th - 13th October 2019 at The MAC
13th December 2019 at The MAC
10th October is World Homeless Awareness Day and in 2019 we wanted to make some noise and make a difference.
Three’s Theatre Company paired up with Outside In and Simon Community to bring you 1010OI – 2 stories, 2 journeys around the city.
“Cities are strange aren’t they? I mean look around you, look how much there is in one building - art galleries, theatres, a coffee shop, the all important bar, no matter what you want to do with your day you can probably do it here or within spitting distance anyway. Sure look, you can have a pray, an overcomplicated coffee, a salad, an education and all in the one square”
See Belfast from another perspective.
See why things need to change.
After interviewing people who have and are currently experiencing homelessness their stories have been collaborated to create two tales of the city.
Funded by Arts & Business NI
‘1010Oi’ Cast & Creative Team
Created and Produced by Three’s Theatre Company
Voice Over Artists: Brendan Quinn & Adele Gribbon
Director: Anna Leckey
Writers: Colm G Doran & Gina Donnelly
Script Development: Kabosh Theatre Company
Artwork by Fiona McDonnell
“You don’t know me; talk to me; ask me; look me in the f***ing eye,” the man inside my head implores. He’s gentle, never preachy or judgemental. The story circles back as it concludes, the two ends not quite meeting, but with a sense that there is hope, relationships are being restored, security has been re-established.
- Alan in Belfast, 1010OI
Names 1010Oi as 10th 10th was World Homeless Awareness Day and Oi (Outside In) were our partners in bringing the project to life with fundidng through Arts & Business NI.