UnSmart Home in your school


The image shows the pilot version of the Unsmart Home which took place in Connswater Shopping Centre last July.

Information and Expressions of Interest

Would your primary school like to be involved in a major new school's project, launching in October 2023?

The project is called The Unsmart Home and is an immersive, group experience (based around the concept of an escape room) that introduces kids to the fundamentals of coding. 

ZeeZee has eaten too many cookies and now has got the hiccups!

The group must work as a team to solve a series of interactive puzzles in order to cure ZeeZee's hiccups.

Some other key points:


The experience takes about 20 minutes, is completed in groups of 5 and is suitable for P4 - P7 year groups.


Three's Theatre Company are proposing to offer this project to schools for free and are working hard to achieve funding and sponsorship. 

The Unsmart Home and the National Curriculum

This experience is a working example of “The Five Es” highlighted in the current ICT curriculum. Not only this, but it is the perfect opportunity for cross curricular learning as it encourages working together, problem solving, communication and listening skills, and so much more! 

The Unsmart home takes on the introduction to coding with a cross curricular approach and fits within the Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Framework. 

It also considers:

  • Team building through problem solving

  • The development of listening comprehension skill.

  • Thinking, problem solving and decision making

  • Working with others

  • Level-appropriate mathematical problem solving

  • The creative expression of ideas


The UnSmart Home would be set-up within the school for a week, allowing 150 children to participate in the experience.


The UnSmart Home will be ready to go on tour in October 2023 and will be touring throughout 23/24.

How can you get involved?

If you would like to receive more information about this project and potentially be one of the schools on our tour, then simply fill in the attached contact form.

Please note, completing this form does not commit a school to the project and will only be used to contact you with further information and to show the funders that The UnSmart Home is a viable touring project. 

If you have any queries, please let us know by emailing threestheatrecompany@gmail.com 

The video shows a short promo video of the UnSmart Home in Connswater